
About Me

Hi! My name is Melissa Maldonado, CD(DONA) and my passion is helping expectant mothers through their birth experience by emphasizing a mindful, holistic and integrative approach to pregnancy. I’m a DONA International-certified doula and am proficient in rebozo and TENS unit techniques for use during pregnancy and labor. I graduated from the University of Central Florida and also hold an M.A. from New York University, where I studied cultural identity and storytelling through the lens of health and wellness. I live in Clermont, Fla., with my husband, Jeff; son, Gavin; and our two rescue pups, Toby and Nicky.

My goal is simple: to provide you, your partner and your family with the support you need to ensure that you have the pregnancy and labor that you want.  I know there's a lot of noise out there — from books to blogs to "experts" itching to give you advice. I promise to help you navigate the right, evidence-based information needed to make the best choices for you and your growing family, and look forward to being your guide.